** We are closed for the summer holidays now. Children return to school on Weds 4th Sept **  ..Together we Learn, Together we Grow, Together we Excel..

Mrs Amanda Ruthven

Executive Headteacher

I am delighted to welcome you, as Executive Headteacher of St. Monica’s Catholic Primary School and feel incredibly proud to be a part of such a wonderful and dynamic team.

At St. Monica’s, our aim is to share with you the richness of opportunities available to every individual and the purposeful nature of the learning experience. For our pupils and staff, St. Monica’s is not just a school, but a real community of enthusiastic, lifelong learners.  Read more here 


View the Hackney Education LA letter awarding this amazing attainment here.

"I am writing to congratulate you on the very strong outcomes achieved by your Key Stage 2 pupils in the recent 2023 National Curriculum Assessments. These reflect the commitment from you and your staff to ensuring the best possible quality of education for pupils...It is notable that your outcomes were very significantly above national attainment. 
Every child, from Nursery - Year 6 NOW HAS FREE SCHOOL MEALS
We also provide toast to all our children every morning, so that NO CHILD STARTS THE SCHOOL DAY HUNGRY! This is one more reason why our children perform and achieve well. 

Together we Learn, Together we Grow and Together we Excel!