** Admissions for Reception places for Sept 2025 are open. You need to apply by 15th Jan 2025. Apply online on the e-Admissions page in Links & Downloads **

Year 6

Welcome to
Year 6

Welcome everyone, my name is Miss McKenzie.  I have the pleasure of teaching the children in Year 6 this academic year.

I have high expectations and I know you have the same.  I want all children in my class to progress, not just academically but socially and spiritually.  This will come through close partnerships between home and school. 

We have discussed our class rules and the number one value is respect, for others, school property and especially ourselves.  

Our curriculum map will help you to support your child during the course of this year. 

Remember...Learning is incremental and with the right conditions every child can reach their full potential! 


Miss McKenzie.

Our Class Timetable - This will show you what lessons will take place during the school day.
Help Your Child