** We are closed for the summer holidays now. Children return to school on Weds 4th Sept **  ..Together we Learn, Together we Grow, Together we Excel..

Year 5

Welcome to
Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! My name is Miss McKenzie, and I am the class teacher this year!

By the end of the year, all children will have progressed in their learning, maturity and socially. They will be prepared for year 6 and ready to continue to achieve greatness.

I value communication and encourage parental engagement. Working together we can ensure the best outcomes for Year 5 and future learning.

Our classroom will be built upon mutual respect and a love for learning that encourages all children to try their best and have a growth mindset, remembering that we can all learn from our mistakes!

We are going to have an amazing year!

Miss McKenzie

Our Class Timetable - This will show you what lessons will take place during the school day.