** We are closed for the summer holidays now. Children return to school on Weds 4th Sept **  ..Together we Learn, Together we Grow, Together we Excel..

Black History Month

Black History Month: What Black History Month?

October is Black History Month in the UK.

It is a month during which people highlight and celebrate the contribution that black people have made to the UK. This is because throughout history, black people have been discriminated against and treated badly because of the colour of their skin.

Across Britain schools, libraries and community organisations have been celebrating Black History Month during October. Each year, we at St Monica’s focus our learning for one week on recognising and appreciating the contribution of black people throughout history. This year we would like to base our black history week around Black Scientists and Inventors.

Reception & Nursery

Pauline Straker Rogers (Doll Maker)
Year 1

Dr. Elizabeth Razekeola ( Chemical Engineer)

Year 2

Maggie Aderia Pocock (Astronomer)

Year 3 Madam C J Walker(Entrepreneur, Scientist)
Year 4
Jack Beubula (Game Inventor)
Year 5
Francis Jeffers (Inventor)
Year 6

Grand Master Flash