** Welcome back to the start of a new academic year! ** 

Physical Education

PE Statement of Intent

To develop children’s experiences and enable them to achieve personal successes, the appropriate skills and confidence to partake in all sports.

Our PE curriculum is directed by a qualified PE Teacher specialist who has strong historic links to the school and a record of excellence in delivering PE programmes in local schools. Their qualified PE instructor deliver age-appropriate lessons with a variety of team games and sports skills covered over the course of the year. Our Infants and Juniors sports days are great fun and designed to allow our children to be competitive in a safe and inclusive way through team working.

The PE instructors run several after-school clubs including football, cricket and basketball, and also co-ordinate our school teams. We take part in matches against other schools in the borough and further afield and have had particular recent success in football and basketball. From Year 3 onwards the children take swimming lessons, a particularly important life skill. We also offer cycle training in Year 5 for a selected number of pupils for whom this would be beneficial.