** We are closed for the summer holidays now. Children return to school on Weds 4th Sept **  ..Together we Learn, Together we Grow, Together we Excel..

Speaking and Listening

Talking is fundamental to learning.  Pupils are encouraged to speak clearly, confidently and with expression in order to state their ideas and opinions.  Just as important, is the need to listen carefully to others and respond in appropriate ways.  At St Monica’s, pupils are given opportunities in all areas of the curriculum to develop their speaking and listening skills, in pairs, groups or whole class situations.  Therefore, Role play, Small world and Drama activities are intrinsic elements of speaking and listening across the school.


In terms of content and resources, we use Pearson’s Bug Club for our guided reading sessions, and Wordsmith for our writing.  Each classroom has a book corner, where children can read quietly during the day, and borrow books to take home.  We also have a quiet area of the playground where children can read during playtime.  Each child has a book bag for home reading, and they will bring home a variety of targeted reading books and fun books each week.  We encourage parents to read with their children daily at home, and always welcome parent volunteers to the school to hear our pupils read.